ClientERIKS Development Partner

Evaluation of inclusive eduation project in low income community for ERIKS

The Swedish ERIKS Development Partner provides funding to local partners, mostly faith-based organsisations, in 5 countries accross Eastern Europe. In 2021 we conducted an evaluation of the activities of one of their partners in Romania who operated an early education programme in a low income community with a majority Roma population. 

The objectives of the evaluation were:  

  • To summarize the impact of the intervention in different areas of children rights.
  • To assess the participation in programing and/or implementing activities of the duty bearers and rights holders (children, parents, public institutions and other members of the community).
  • To gather lessons learned from implementing the project so far.
  • To provide recommendations for improving and/or scaling up the intervention based on children rights approach

A modified outcome harvesting approach was used to frame the entire evaluation.