
Our Values

Trust and accountability

They guide our relationships with each other, the organisations we work with and the people they serve.

Drive to do our best, and then do better

We challenge ourselves and then take the time to reflect and learn.

Ethical research

Respect for the confidentiality, the privacy and dignity of the people we interact with.

Diversity, dignity and inclusion

We believe that development processes need not only to be non-discrimantory and to ensure equal voices for all groups, but also to recognize the historical unfairness and injustices and to aim to redress them.

Wholesome life-work blend and stimulating work relationships

We deliver high quality work while working flexibly and placing the wellbeing of our family first. Each of us can choose which projects, when and how much to be involved, and everyone is fairly compensated.

Our Approaches

Power and autonomy

We support interventions that build autonomy and empower people and communities to drive their own processes of change, rather than “help” them.

Human centered

We conduct participatory and human-centered processes. Organisations are not just structures we can attempt to change, but they are made of people. All our processes put the people we work with and for at the center.


We support rights-based approaches in which all people – adult or children, empowered or vulnerable – are regarded as active participants with an essential voice and role for their own development. Our work aism to bring their voices forward.

Learning from mistakes

Mistakes, like challenges overcome, are opportunities for learning. The processes we develop value learning from mistakes as much as from good practice.


We are deeply concerned about the current climate emergency. While our work often supports projects that aim to address this crisis, we are also concerned with the environmental impact of what we do and we aim, at a minimum, to limit our negative impact. Most of our work is remote (it was so before the pandemic) and our carbon footprint is almost entirely dependant on the amount and type of travel we undertake for field-work or events. When we need to travel, we always seek to use the least polluting alternatives, choosing trains over planes or finding combinations to limit flying. As we are set to resume travelling for work in the near future, we will also seek to offset our carbon footprint. 

We are in the process of preparing our first Sustainability Report in which we evaluate our impact and describe the means by which we seek to neutralize it. 

Copyright 2023 Triskuel Consulting, All Right Reserved

  • Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
  • 0040 740 694 492